Monday, December 28, 2009

2009 wrap ups

1. X-mas

my christmas pressie

hasil hari bertumbuk

2. kje

xg kje smlm sbb rs cm nk demam. tp still cycling city-t3-paradise boxing day nyer pasal.

3. bola

arsenal mng smlm. fab main 20+ mins score 2 bijik pastuh kuar injured. npk mcm bukan injury yg trok. paling lame pon aku rs 2 mggu out.

futsal smlm xjoin atas pelbagai sebab. dgr cte budak2 nih kenduri pak2 arab tuh smlm. congrats2.

4. 2009 recap


2009 will b remembered as a 'complecancy vs potential' year. it started well with 2 additionl to our family members, huhahuha kat bali etc. it was full of promises until disaster structs mid feb. i got 2 safety warnings thus failed the acute care placement. i guess i was too complacent & didnt work hard enuff to get tru the placement. then came the adult rehab placement, which i think i worked the hardest ever. i managed to scrape tru to pass the 4-week placement. i really had to plan my week ahead, so dat i can reach dat work(2 works)-study-bola balance. 1-hr afternoon nap was a rare treat for me truout the 4 weeks. i spent most of my time either at work or at uni preparing the paperworks. thank god i passed all other 3 placements, which some of them i believe i could hav done better.


i started working at HJ in feb, with the help of eddy, n my bank acct grew healthily eversince. i've robbed >10k of HJ to date, and i still have 2 other part time works which r enuff to cover the rent & bills. the most important thing is, im more independent and shud i fucked up my subjects (again), i got money to cover them. at this age, being independent is the most important thing. stuff girls & football!..err... that cant b rite. stuff whatever got to b stuffed for now.


social time is significantly reduced due to bz working-studying schedule. im lucky if i get 1 afternoon of football a week, and overnight at other ppl's places are not as frequent anymore (much to you ppl's comfort). im not dumping frens for money, it just something i have to do, which i already explain above.

i also spent less time for ISOC activities (keimanan mcm berkurang je skang nih), less news watched n less free tixs received as well. i didnt hav the time to watch adelaide utd matches at the stadium yet the 2 visits there (cup & league finals) were the most memorable of all.

other things dat happened:

the good: beraya dgn ki, sponsored berhuhahuha in brisbane
the bad: a lot (typical)
can't complain: tokwan meninggal, work sux!

to conclude this, i would like to say sorry if i did anything wrong to anybody, esp those ppl who finished their study already. kalau aku ade hutang kasik tau, kl hutang budi nk claim pon kasik tau. kl korg hutang aku tuh pandai2 r bayar k!

so hopefully 2010 will b the yr i study harder to graduate in dec, and making some more money along the way.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Good Football Week II

1. Bola.

Team mesia di bawah pimpinan Rita Rudaini berjaya memenagi pingat emas. tuh baru satu Rita Rudaini, blom satu kumpulan awek2 mcm rita rudaini bergelek atas padang ag. sure boleh menang world cup tros!

they look deflated but hot

Arsenal mng 3-0, manU kalah 3-0, Liverpool kalah 2-0 n Chelsea seri 1-1. wahahahaha. Big 4 teams please continue this pattern please.

2. Kje

mcm bese kje. argh dh r len kl xyah tulis dh psl kje. haih.

3. Med Checkup

got an email from DIMIA requesting a medical check up to be done within 7 days. so i went to the DIMIA building and waited on the q for about 40 mins, but only to be told that i hav to make an appointment 1st tru the phone. they could hav wrote dat in the email but i wonder y they r so stupid to inform me earlier.
so no big deal, i rang the number and booked myself for the 8.20am slot on the next day. again, much to my disappointment, the office only starts operating at 8.30am, and i still have to q. what kind of fucked up system r they using?
so another $240+ gone and i'll have to undergo the 2nd check up on january the 4th.

4. Taun Baru 1431

owh lagi 3 or 4 hari besday aku yg ke 25 dlm kalendar hijrah. azam taun baru, nk setelkan azam taun baru taun lps. kre ok r tuh.

5. Congrats Naq

congrats naq yg bertunang usha dlm webcam. nnt kenduri ko psg r webcam leh gk aku usha hahahaah

dah r ckop r tuh. tggu je r mggu dpn plak. shuh shuh!

ps: fuih, ade org kat istanbul usha blog aku. oi ki, tgh honeymoon pon layan blog ke? ape brg hahaha

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Good Football Week

1. Bola

Mesia masuk final. wohoo~~!. Arsenal pon mng ngn Liverpool. wohoo~~!. ManU kalah wohoohohoho~~!

2. Kje

mcm bese. komen byk2 pon xgune. kje berkadar terus dgn duit. lgpon cti2 nih bosan plak kl xbuat pape.

3. Misconception of berak.

terjumpe dlm toilet unisa city west campus. smart ass mane ntah tulis nih. dasar budak2 bisness know no shit abt shitting but that's all they're good at, shitting ppl to sell shit. kes2

- hanye org cirit je yg berak dipengaruhi graviti. angkasawan pon berak dlm vacuum pe.
- position paling optimum adelah hip flexed >90 degree, so kl sape2 ade problem berak tuh try r.
- lubang bontot bukan straight. kl kene sontot byk kali pon xkan jadik straight gk.
- dah ckop r byk2 kang korg konfius lak. sape2 yg ade permasalah berak nk tny lebey2, nnt aku korek2 balik notes 2nd yr psl berak2 nih kl ade.

4. X-mas

gle makcik2 jiran2 aku nih pasang lampu liplap hias umah sket punye dasat. mmg kampong abes r. hahahah. nnt bebile rajin aku amik gamba.

tuh dia pavlova...

gamba2 krismas party dgn MDA arituh ade kat sini.

5. Kodak Instamatic 92.

saje pusing2 terjumpe bli je r. murah je pon. tp aku check2 x rare sgt so xbape mahal. nih ade member aku mintak tlg promotekan blog die. blog kemere2. aku xdpt komisyen ape2 pon promote blog die nih. tlg member2 carik makan. aku mmg baik hati.

6. on being hard on ppl

aku rs kadang2 aku nih agak kejam terhadap org lain. ayat mcm "tuh r sape suro boros padan la muke xdek duit" or "sape suro xg klas padan la muke ko fail" or "harap je blaja tinggi2 bende common sense pon xtau"

sbb ape? sbb ape yg jadik kat korg tuh jadik kat aku satu hari nnt, aku pon expect org ckp camtuh gk so xdek hal la. padan la muke aku, sape suro bodo btol x?

7. Masjid baru

Ini bukan cerita sape2 nk kawen. nih Mesjit wandana skang nih tgh kutip duit utk buat mesjit baru. diorg nk kene collect at least $600K before March 2010. so sape2 yg ade duit lebey2 tuh silelah menderme. stop la shopping baju2 tuh, summer2 nih panas mane ade org pkai baju sgt. sape2 yg nk mintak tlg aku masukkan duit dlu pon boleh xdek hal. ckp je bape. janji byr blk r. sape2 tau kre valid x kalau bayar zakat direct kat account nih? aku nk tny imam td tp die dok bz plak.

details account

kpd kawan2 yg kawen time cuti nih (mache, dayah&gebok, muslim, sayur, tomok, kak yati etc) n yg kawen tgh taun dpn (zati, eiha etc), selamat r korg kawen. konfem aku xleh datang nyer atas sebab2 yg boleh dielakkan tp bak kata pepatah agi idup agi ngelaban. selamat duit aku xyah bli hadiah kawen korg wahahaha

8. Funi & Wangwang

semalam dh start dh open for public. xpe, ade 10 tahun ag utk tgk. tp kne p tgk gk camne2 pon

sekian. selamat la korg.

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

lamenye xdpt tgk news...

1. ebay

i won this last saturday. n the 1st reply i received from the seller was after 3 days. then it took him another 2 days to reply the next email. i asked him to send a text msg since i am pretty much working (or sleeping) all the time, and it took another day to gimme a call. then he decided the time and place for me to meet him and pick the thing up. the location is about 15km from my place. i got there 10 mins early and waited for an hr. i didnt hav his no bcoz he is using a private no. he didnt turn up then i decided to just cycle back home to have some afternoon sleep before going to work. 30 mins after leaving he called me asking where i am. fuck u fuck u fuck u bloody vietnamese guy. if u were in the vietkong army, the US army wud have easily steamrolled ur ass and smoked marijuana out of it.
then he said, "ok, lets meet tomorrow". dis time i got his no bcoz he uses another no. so i text him b4 work, detailing the next day's plan. after 3 texts sent, i recieved a reply, offering if i wanna call off the process and he can sell it to his frens. further more, he said he lost the original receipt already. well, easy way out of dealing with such ppl was on offer so i took it. further more, no receipt means no warranty if anything happened.

im guessing dat he's quite reluctant to sell the phone at dat winning price. so kau xnk jual buat ape aku nk beli. baik bli beskal baru lagi bes!

2. keje.

i'm replacing lots of shifts this week. too many ppl fell sick at one time n not many ppl can do burger room close. so it seems dat this friday i'll get a double pay. woho~~!

oh jane riley i miss u!

3. HOPEnhagen

this is the joke of the year. 1400 free prostitutes for the 1500 delegates, now dat is worth all the jets carbon footprints. read here for details.

4. christmas party

will b held tomorrow by the MDA hydro ppl for the MDA hydro ppl at the WCH. it's gonna be full of chatting and less eating. typical boring westerners party.

not much for a week but this will do for now.

this is funny stuffs

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

kasik R adductor brevis aku rest sket.

1. Raya Haji 1430

mlm raya xbalik rumah lepak vlg. solat raye kat city mosque. mmg takbir raya irama melayu abes. 3 melayu vs 1 pak arab. hahaha. xg solat jumaat. g mkn2 umah kak siti seri delima senior mrsmpc.

2. Futsal MASCA arituh.

4th place. shud hav done better. tp ok r puas masuk 2nd round n main most of the games. n xinjured wlpn ade rs mcm twitch n niggly kat groin yg injured mase futsal b4 dis. so next time aku kne suro orang2 kat ym doakan aku kasik menang n xinjured plak.

lgpon xleh nk all-out sgt sbb kne reserve energy utk kje mlm tuh.

3. Bola

lepas kje g vlg utk usha game arsenal-chel$ki. memang hampeh r xdek finishing. byk sgt touch b4 shoot. kl tgk gol2 RvP last season lawan chelsea sume flick n boom xdek nk touch2 lebey2. haih. pastuh usha el clasico 1st half pastuh tdo. pagi tadi plak kalah ngn ManCity 3-0. mmg bes

3 games played, 3 lost, 0 point, 0 goal scored. dem r!

4. kje

smlm bz nk mampos. amber ckp "we make $1200 more than a normal night. at last we make some money". aku reply "yeah, some money". hari2 lain kje cam bese tp agak slow akibat futsal yg intensif arituh.

5. Ice skDating

adik aku tgh bz mengorganise session ice skdating die dgn kawan2 die kat sunway. aku pon rs cam nk g g berskdating gak. sape2 rajin nk plan?

6. Balik mesia

Rumet aku yg xofficial dh balik hari selase lepas. n rmai gk yg dh start blah. mls r plk nk balik, baik dok sini kje. balik mesia wat gemok je ade r. kes2.

7. Extending

dah renew OSHC & student visa. demm lesap $1K+++. adeih, xpe layan lagu hepi2 sepam.

gamba2 lain ade kat sini.

Monday, November 30, 2009

tgh malas nk update.

selamat hari tasyriq. jgn puasa hari nih, haram.

ini bukan takbir raya woi!

sekian wasalam.

ps: penat+mengantuk+sakit2 badan akibat objek bulat2

Monday, November 23, 2009

x balik raya haji 1430

Khamis lepas pkl 4pm

1. kje

agak bes sbb dok jage front board. so kje2 mcm membasuh tray etc tuh kasik kat budak lain. bersih sket baju aku leh solat sume. tp xbes xleh nk pow2 makanan wahahahaha

2. seat beskal

nasib malang t-shirt kje

bosan arituh, aku pon tukar seat cover beskal aku. sape2 ade fabric dye meh pass kat aku. yg bukan dilute nyer

3. pancake nite out

tgh lepak2 kat vilej budak2 nih ajak berpancake konon2 nk celebrate besday im arituh. siang tuh 43C, mlm tuh pkl 2am pon 31C. makan2 pastuh blk tdo.

few will remain next year

4. bola

futsal weekend nih. so hopefully xinjured. tp kalau injured pon ok gk xyah g kje mlm tuh. full list team members pon aku xdek. main je r

arsenal kalah r plak arituh. main cam hape tah.

5. Raya Haji

arituh mak aku tny balik x raye aji taun nih kat YM. so mcm taun2 lepas, jawapannye still same. rs cam mls nk balik tiap2 taun. Raye haji kat sini Jumaat kot, or sabtu. ala hari ape2 pon ok je. aku kje mlm2.

6. SA sex scandal

the news ere. after i watch some of the channel 7's footage, i think that lady is making these things up for money. the way she answered the Qs as if she's innocent and she didnt seems regretful at all. whatever the outcome is, she's already paid $200K+ for the interview.

but for now, it's good to know dat SA has it's own Bill Clinton.

7. Papadom

i think it brings out the best out of most of the casts. i never tot Que haidar can be dat funy. tapi creepy gle kl ade bapak camtuh.

i know it's a good movie when i managed to finish it in one go.

ps: ramai plak yg kawen taun nih. rugi r plk xdpt dtg. gamba2 lain ade kat sini.

Monday, November 16, 2009

hari ini sejuk sikit

1. Keje

aku rs mcm aku kje hari2 minggu lepas from ahad sampai sabtu. so kl mengikut perkiraan t-value, spttnye r aku mendapat double pay di hari sabtu. tp aku pon xsure kot2 aku xpasan ade hari yg aku xkje sbb byk shift replace org je. xpe r, bak kate pepatah, asal masuk duit aku hepi je.

2. Heatwave

ahad arituh

agak panas tp xdek la panas sgt aku rs. tp hari kamis arituh mmg gila r rs cam nk mati. pagi berbasikal ke WCH kje hydro 2.5 hrs, pastuh petang cyling g HJ Gilles Plains kje start pkl 4. bukak pose pkl 8. temperature hari tuh 39C. fuhh... gle taff aku nih wahahahahha

later dis week

3. New Moon

Free Tix. plz gimme lotsa money.

4. Famili

mak aku g vietnam kje kat sane arituh. die kate brg2 murah gle. bes jugak jadik mak aku nih. jalan sane sini. esok p kl. ahad p singapore.

so next time aku nk blk, nk try g vietnam dlu r br blk mesia. by dat time aku iA dh ade degree mcm Lutfi, so ade can r aku nk jual minyak kat awek2 vietnam kang kl ade yg cun2.

5. Classic Car

kete apebende ntah.

bersusah payah g victoria sq ahad lepas utk mengusha swap market, rupenye aku salah hari. yg ade hanyalah classic cars yg agak membosankan. layan je r. bende nih tiap2 taun pon ade.

$45K je woi. mau aku angkat sebijik ble aku kje kang

6. lain2

congrats to budak2 yg dh berjaye mengradkan diri. huhuhu. buat makan2 jgn lpe kontek2 aku k. leh pura2 sakit tenat xleh kje.

abang mongger, iaitu en mango a.k.a Cheong Liew, dah retire from Grange. So sape2 yg rase berbakat dlm bidang memasak leh r apply kat Grange tuh.

Rove pon retire smlm. siot r. sedih siot final episode die smlm.

RvP injured on int'l frenly match. dem argh!

tribute to Robert Enke the German GK. dat was one hell of a dive.

RIP Enke!.

sekian askum (ya... di bawah naungan binatang2 huduh dlm bahasa ibrani lol)

-----update terkini lagi sensasi--------

anep punya bini dh beranak ptg td kat mesia. anak pompuan. so rekod budak2 paradise so far anak 1st sume pompuan.

aznan punye bini pon dh beranak siang td kat WCH. dh siap buat blog utk anak die pon nih r.

aku nyer bini ke 3 baru diberanakkan smlm kat sebuah negara yg dirahsiakan.

cayalah korg!

ps: gamba2 kete yg lain ade kat sini.

Monday, November 09, 2009

examen feliz!

1. repetitive.

aku rs skang nih mcm bosan gle life. tiap2 minggu bende same je. kje, bola, lepak2, makan2. eh dari dlu pon camtuh tp ade r study sket2. argh lantak r.

eh, aku p join ceramah ustat haisam pe arituh. kre xdek r repetitive sgt.

2. kje.

skang nih ade byk budak baru. yg aku xpuas ati tuh ade ke diorg arrange shift budak2 baru tuh time2 bz n xdek org. last2 budak baru nih dok menyanyi2 sembang xtau nk buat ape while ktorg yg tahap2 tinggi nih r kne buat byk kje. suro wat kje lain malas nk mampos. aku rs nk rembat je budak baru tuh smlm. lu buat ape time training r? haih.

lately aku dh xdpt byk sgt hours sbb byk budak baru n sbb aku nyer pay agak mahal dr org lain (lg tua lagi mahal kne byr). arituh ade sp dpt $500+ seminggu tp skang nih gle kembali ke zaman2 start kje dlu. xpe r, janji duit masuk ok la.

n minggu lps dpt backpack from coke plak, n sebijik ag bola. tp mls nk amik gambar. ade je aku peruk kat tepi nih r.

3. Bola.

p usha 'slideshow' final Kelantan vs N9 kat port sek2 netok kb & pasir mas, kat bilik faris. 1st half makan2, 2nd half tdo. tau2 je dh abes budak2 nih dok layan lagu jambu bersuara garau. ya kekecewaan dalam arena bola sepak mmg boleh membawa kepada kegilaan dan adalakalanya membawa maut.

ciloked from kompas

pastuh g usha game Wolf-Arsenal kat umah pokcek + mkn2 roti canai fawas. fawas ko mmg ensem r. i like to watch alex song on the ball. he's getting better with experiece n he's only 22 still. n he got 17 sisters & 10 brothers too. that is inherited quality and legacy on & off the pitch, man!

on a more seriuos note, i think the fans shud behave themselves. ko igt kerusi kat stadium tuh bapak korg yg punye ke? kamon r. nnt kene ban main closed-door baru tau sangap xleh tgk bola. bodoh nk mampos.

4. Segmen baru: ini kawan saya.

ini adalah rakan saya, en hisham bin hussein a.k.a Cham hons2007, haji1429, yg sudah abes study kat sini beberapa taun dulu. beliau mempunyai ketinggian spt steven gerrard dan duluya mempunyai berat badan spt 2 org Gerrard - Syed. beliau suka bermain bola, tengok wayang dan makan. beliau merupakan seorg yg peramah, baik hati, bersopan santun dan menghormati ibu bapa selain bijak dalam pengajian beliau suatu masa dahulu. previously, beliau berstudy di mrsm langkawi bersama fifi, dan kemudian bersunway bersama Ida Haryani dan kemudiannya melanjutkan pelajaran di Uni of Adelaide bersama Mamau dan kini beliau berada di KL bersama Diana Danielle. beliau memandu CRV kerana kereta kancil mempunyai had muatan berat dan isipadu yg agak limited. status beliau adelah diragukan, nk kate xsingle mcm single, nk kate single mcm double je aku tgk. so utk pertanyaan lanjut silalah mengontek beliau di talian bebas tol samiveloo (u've been missed) +60192416256 ataupon add id charm1285 di ym anda.


ps: sesape yg berminat utk dijadikan subjek utk minggu dpn sile kasik gambo. yg lain2 tuh aku boleh bedal sendrik.

5. abang misali

saya mempunyai seorang abang yg baik, perihatin dan agak boroi jugak selepas kerja. nama dia Zaki. dia adalah peminat idris karim yg gila ganas arituh tuh.

mekasih byk r. cis

6. panas mcm tanah haram.

ciloked from adelaidenow

7. Goodluck la korg.

selamat berexam kpd sume budak2 yg ade exam. studylah bersungguh2 spt Don. byk2kan beribadat dan kurgkan la aktiviti2 yg distracting mcm p berdating ke, flirt2 kat YM ke, main Fb ke, usha drama ke, usha prawn ke, sebok buat kek ke, sebok layan blues ke. kl tensen2 or pnt study nk pekene kopi sepam due, print kupon yg ade kat sini.

yg xdek exam tuh, jom r kte kacau org xdek exam wahahahaha!


Monday, November 02, 2009

slmt balik mesia kpd una

1. kje

gle bz minggu nih, friday nite, saturday nite. omputih nih dh gile ke ape? friday nite g r clubbing n berprojek2 ngn chix2, ade ke makan beger plak. gle xdek life diorg skang. haih. pnt gle siot shift dedue hari tuh.

hadiah mystery customer sabtu arituh. cayalah!

2. pasal post yg lepas

aku terjumpe quran tuh kat rak2 mesjit wandana. memule aku try nk bace sbb mls nk kuarkan quran kecik aku yg diawet dlm beg aku tuh. bese r org yg g mesjit awal utk solat jumaat mmg r byk mase terluang utk beribadat. tetibe, aku rs pelik n konfius lak nk bace quran tuh. ble usha cover die, die ade tulis "rawah al warsh". so drpd niat murni aku nk bace quran, aku layan lak bace 'preface' die psl origin quran nih n asal usul history sket lebey kurg. n aku compare dgn quran 'rawah hafz'. korg nk tau lebey2 p tny tok guru quran mane2. aku bkn tau sgt tp nampak r die nyer perawi lain2. tp still going back to usman bin affan n 5 bijik quran yg disebarkan zaman2 tuh dlu. nnt ade mase aku g menuntut lebey2 ngn abg aku or sape2. cam bes je.

lps solat aku g jumpe imam tny kat die aku nk bli quran tuh. die kate "we dont sell quran here, u can just take it". mak aih, baik plak pakcik nih, patut r jadik imam. nnt aku bli quran lain letak la sebijik kat situ.

3. main petang

dimana ada aku, disitu ada camerawoman. tp xleh nk menunjukkan kepoweran mcm mggu lps sbb ade rs mcm pelik dkt area2 piriformis n die tarik smpai kaki tuh. fuiyyo. nerve glide problem kot. so xleh nk lari2 sgt.

4. bola

mlm sabtu lepas kje naik beskal mlm2 g umah muniaq utk tgk game Arsenal-Spurs. mng 3-0 tp spttnye boleh laukkan spurs selambe je. dh lame r plak xtgk bola ngn member2. tp munir 2nd half die blah layan awek. chet.

5. una balik

skang nih aku rs die dlm flight dr kolombo ke mane ntah nk balik kl. bosan gle die sampai sume gamba fb aku die komen hahahaha. bgs r dok oversi lame2 jadik tensen ade r. tgk mcm azam tuh, kepale otak tuh dh xbtol dh dok oversi lame2 sgt.

6. panas

ini blom summer ag. npk gaye taun nih panas awal, maka beruntunglah golongan2 yg balik mesia taun nih. tp kalau panas lambat, maka rugilah golongan2 yg balik mesia utk summer. dh la balik mesia panas, makan banyak sure jadik gemok nyer, dtg balik pon panas ag.

tips2 menghadapi musim panas:

-waktu siang, tutup sume tingkap n pintu n ape2 lubang yg ade kat umah. sbb angin siang panas.
-waktu malam bukak sume lubang2 yg ade. sbb angin malam xpanas.
-waktu siang dan malam berbogelanlah jika berkesempatan
-bli aiskrim byk2. mmg bes.
-bli sprinkler dok dpn kipas. sprinkle kan diri anda tiap2 2 menet.
-g lepak kat umah dak2 village. xyah bazir bil letrik umah sendirik utk pasang ekon.

ps: xhot pon heliza tuh, dh r watak die bosan gle dlm cte tuh. argh aku terpedaya dgn hasutan rakan2.

Friday, October 30, 2009

preview: Iqra' ... aik??!!

korg pikir2 r dlu. aku tgh bz bogel2 makan aiskrim. panas.

Monday, October 26, 2009

new song on the playlist

1. kerja

camtuh r, same je mcm dlu.

dikasik oleh Amber*

2. Physical Activity

kat conference arituh ade membuat beberape test kat booth2 berlainan.

2km-walk fitness test

perubahan2 yg perlu dilakukan

result fitness test tuh agak meragukan atas beberape factor seperti kenaikan berat badan selepas raya, perlantakan dessert secare pukal 3 hari sekali selama 4 hari berturut2, ankle sprain aku yg kne lps raye arituh dan juga cara set-up machine & apparatus tuh. tp looking at the bright side, i've got something to work on. bosan gak kl xdke bende nk diimprove lol. so sape2 yg xpaham gamba 2nd tuh, i need to reduce 1.6kg of fat mass n tambah 2.5kg muscle mass. test nih pon boleh diargue sbb aku timbang dgn henpon wallet camera dlm poket. ape2 aktiviti pon, sustainablity yg paling penting.

3. bola

memandangkan dh 2 hari org xmain bola kat Robe Tce, aku pon join r geng2 rugby touch. rugby btol2 aku xberani, dlu kne rempuh ngn mamat bagak gle kat skola tros aku xmain dah. touch2 bole r sket2. tp sbb dh lame xbersenam lepas raye arituh mmg sakit2 plak satu badan. rs mcm malas nk g kje je haha. clip ade kat sini. lawak lak main ptg2 pon ade clip2 siap. tq kpd cik2 yg dtg utk merekod kepoweran aku. hahahahah

berita lain psl bola, ManU kalah 2-0, tp arsenal boleh plak seri 2-2 after leading 2-0. gle xpuas ati aku. ape bende r. haih. frust2.

ckop utk season nih, tggu season dpn plak

4. valve adaptor

pasti org2 yg terusha status ym aku pasal valve adaptor tuh dok terpk2 apekebendekah menatant tersebut. dan pelbagai2 soalan lain ygturut terpacul drpd pemikiran manusia2 yg bosan xtau nk pk psl bende lain. so nih r gambo die aku ltk sini. so next time kl ilang ag leh r korg tlg carik or korg tlg blikan je tros kat kedai beskal. aku bli baru smlm sbb dh xtahan dgn tahap kekempisan tayar. tetibe tadi terpk lak utk swap kusyen sofa tpt aku bermastautin nih, n tgk2 ade plak yg lame berkhalwat dicelah2 kusyen ibarat pertapaan seorang sami di dalam gua di pergunungan tibet. haih.

baru vs lama

5. lagu2

skang nih aku pon xtau tetibe rs bes lak lagu the killers - can u read my mind tuh. taun lps layan camtuh2 je.

n satu ag, aku dh letak lagu yg baru. lagu stand by me version macam2 org campo2. terjumpe kat blog kak yati. aku rase cam bes je. clip die ag bes tp sape2 yg nk save quota internet tuh layan mp3 je ckop r. ade kat playlist sidebar tuh.

menarik2 hmm..

sekian, aku nk tdo jap pastuh kne masak pastuh nk g kje. haih.

*Amber adalah manager kegilaan Eddy sebelom die kawen dlu hahaha.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Curious Case of Brisbane 09

amaran: post nih xkan ditulis dlm english, sbb kalau sponsor paham kang diorg tau kang susa plak aku k mengexplen. ape leh wat, alang2 dh g tpt org mesti r nk kne pusing2 kasik abes, lg2 lak kl all-inclusive sponsorship. post kali nih xdek kaitan dgn sesi memancing arituh. post ini juga mungkin lebih panjang dari post2 swinggingbowl, so kl bosan or bz study tuh pandai2 r korg letak tanda waqaf kat mane2.

1. Modbury Hospital

dh lame rsnye aku xg hospital, esp as a patient or penduduk awam. so selase lepas aku bawak roomate aku yg saket kaki (akibat overexcited bermain dgn awek2 kat moonta weekend tuh, padan muke ko hahahahah). so atas sbb kepakaran aku mengdiagnosis kaki org aku pon advice die utk g public hosp instead of g GP. so lepas 2-3 jam sume setel n ktorg pon balik umah. nasib baik mamat tuh ok, boleh r die hantar aku g epot esok pg tuh. gle xikhlas aku nih wahahahaha.

saket2 kaki pon still kuar ngn awek2 mlm tuh. haih dak2 zmn skang.

2. Takziah Utk Farouk n Family

hari b4 aku blah tuh dpt news bapak farouk ramli, iaitu Tan Sri/Dato'/En Ramli telah meninggal dunia kat mesia. so takziah r kpd korg. sori xdpt join tahlil jumaat arituh sbb aku p beribadat kat Brisbane tuh. innalillahi wainna ilaihi raaajiuun.

3. The Brisbane Story.

day 1 (rabu)

so sekali ag aku xtdo lepas balik kje pkl 11.30pm, so dat aku leh kejutkan rumet aku yg sakit kaki tuh utk drive aku g epot sbb flight aku pkl 6.15am. so dlm pkl 3.30am aku po kejut mamat tuh. aku nih manusia yg ske g awal2, so leh rilek2 n chill2, n in case kl ade pape. dipendekkan cite sampai epot dlm pkl 4am, kaunter check in pon xbukak ag. so lepak2 jap, pastuh check in awal pastuh blah carik port, on laptop utk main PES sambil nk tggu suboh.

dlm flight tuh aku tdo, bgn2 ade makanan lak atas meje dpn tuh. so makan2 lebey kurg pastuh tdo balik. stewardess pon tua2 je, bosan r. tdo lg bagus. sampai2, naik train g Roma St station, pastuh jalan utk chek-in Ibis Hotel kat Turbot St. bilik ade 2 queen size bed, siap ade ironing board n iron lg (komfem r aku xpkai), n view mmg cun. memule aku igt aku kne share r dgn Monica ke, Jessica ke, Sameah ke, rupenye2 mmg sume dpt bilik camtuh. xkesa r, org bagi lagi mau byk bunyik.

room 1430. but i want 15th floor!

Victoria Bridge yg hari2 kne lintas utk g BCEC

5am local time

so atas rs semangat berconference, aku pon tuka baju n g register (deym r smart casual pe, pkai slipar je, buat berat je beg aku). timing mmg baik sbb sampai2 diorg tgh morning tea break. so sesi makan free utk 4 hari berikutnya pon bermula secara rasmi. gile r sume yg dtg geng2 heavyweight je (bukan literally heavyweight k). Registrar, pakar sane sini, profs, senior acedemicians, paling koman pon cikgu PJK. damm r mmg xdek can aku nk jual minyak. so aku pon dok diam2. dpt r jumpe M'sian delegate yg lain, Prof Ravinder (diorg kate mamat nih taraf 'bapa sportscience mesia'), PM Asok, Dr Zul & Dr Syamsul. so sbb pnt, lepak je r sp malam. lepas makan malam balik hotel usha movie pastuh tdo.

day 2 (kamis)

suboh pkl 4am. lepas solat tdo r blk, n skip workshop pg tuh. mcm smlm dtg time org makan pagi, lepak sp time lunch. pastuh ikut dr2 2 org tuh g jalan2 makan2 sket2, balik hotel. pastuh aku g jln sorg2 carik tpt nk berendam (panas siot Brisbane nih, mcm mesia) sbb diorg nk g chinatown carik souveir etc. so pusing2 sampai r kat QUT. pastuh jalan2 ag sampai r kat area Street Beach (xyah g sampai golkos nk usha2). lepak2 lebey kurg, terjumpe satu mamat freestyle yg agak power r. so main timbang2 n belaja sket2, sampai pkl 6.30pm sbb ade rivercruise dinner mlm tuh.

Grant, i'll look up on utube for ur clips

so berivercruise la ktorg. lepak semeje dgn makcik2 iran. lepas rivercruise tuh balik r atas sbb2 yg xdpt dielakkann.

day 3 (jumaat)

cam smlm lepas suboh tdo blk sampai r time makan pagi. jumpe dr syamsul utk pow die nyer weekly pass utk g solat jumaat kat Buranda. pusing2 nyer pusing, siap p tny 3-4 org sesat2 punye pasal, masuk kedai charcoal chicken halal tp chix dlm tuh hot sexy cam haram (rs cam nk kensel je g solat jumaat). so last2 sampai r aku kat Mesjit kat situ, dekat je dgn Hospital kat2 UQ tuh.

Mesjit kat Buranda tuh

lepas solat terjumpe satu mamat melayu name qusyairi dak QUT, die kate ade mesjit dkt West End, lg dkt dgn BCEC. so lepas sesi makan petang aku pon blah carik mesjit kat West End tuh.

Islamic Centre kat West End

lpe plak, hari jumaat tuh hari last exhibition, aku mng lucky draw kat 10,000 steps nyer booth. menang heart rate monitor, yg kalau kat ebay beseyer dlm $100+ lebey. mmg bes.

Tq 10,000steps!

mlm tuh xdek dinner free, so jalan2 berendam2 ag, usha2 fridaynite diorg lebey kurg, balik hotel pastuh dh mls nk kuar. layan bola 10-man Adelaide Utd kalahkan Sydney Fc 2-1. pastuh dh malas tdo je tros.

day 4 (sabtu)

arinih bangun subuh, pastuh layan U-20 World Cup Final Ghana Vs Brazil (cayalah Ghana) n pastuh xleh tdo dah sbb ade CPR refresher course pkl 7.30am. arinih final day conference so diorg wat session 'The Great Debate'. speaker2 power2 buat lawak2 n drop speaker dlm team lain. agak best r, mmg gelak je r 2 jam tuh.

slide2 yg menarik

lpas tuh ktorg blah utk jalan2 n sesi bergambar2, n balik tuka baju utk Queensland Govt Dinner. dipendekkan cite, balik dlm pkl 11.30pm.

m'sian delegate (-aku) + outgoing CEO n sape ntah of SMA

patut r diorg ske sgt wat dinner pkai mask2 nih, so geng2 MILF n makcik2 yg muka tua tp body cun leh carik makan lg. xkesa r, lagu2 diorg pasang mmg bes2 tp makin lame pekak plak telinge aku.

contoh makcik berbody hot background nih.
day 5 (ahad)

kne check-out hotel b4 pkl 11am, ktorg yg disponsor nih kne g kat2 Suncorp Stdm sbb ade Trainer Course kinda thing. so aku pon heret r beg2, jalan stengah jam sampai. dak2 lain yg g rmai2 leh sesat plk. gle noob hahaha! session start pkl 10 sp dkt2 pkl 2pm.

M'sian delegate + SMA ppl
lepas meeting tuh aku pon jalan ngn diorg n sampai Roma St station, amik train g epot. carik port solat sepam pastuh beratur utk drop in beg. dpn aku tuh makcik tua yg buta, so aku tlg makcik tuh jalan sampai r die check-in beg die, aku po check i dlm pkl 4.15pm utk flight aku pkl 6pm. so cam arituh carik port lepak main PS, pastuh layan berite pkl 5pm. dlm flight layan muvi. sampai adelaide dkt2 pkl 10pm. amik bas n balik umah.

thanks a lot to SMA ppl (gary, davina, mark, nello etc), Prof Ravinder, Dr Asok, Dr Zul, Dr Syamsul, Dr Yomai (from Micronesia), Dr XXXX (from Lechestein), makcik2 Iran, awek2 waitress yg cun2, Kusyairi, dak mesia satu ag n xlupe juge rumet aku yg tlg drive.

4. Eksiden

sorg budak adelaide eksiden langga kete sorg makcik. makcik tuh mintak die $10k utk ganti rugi. aku xtau ape progress tp sape2 ade prev experience psl bende nih leh r share2. sape2 nk donate leh kontek aku.

ps: umah2 diorg kat suburb2 mmg cam umah mesia. cuaca pon cam mesia. gle xoversi. gamba2 ade kat sini.