Tuesday, August 07, 2007


"warattilil Qur'aana tartiilaa.."
aku sungguh benci tulis ayat Quran dlm bahse melayu camnih, mcm bodoh gila. tp sbb aku xigt ayat mane.

apekah yg dimaksudkan dgn tartil kat sini?

some ulama' tafsir menafsirkan tartil nih sbg perlahan, tp ade khilaf antare diorg.

just a few reminders to all fast-pace alquran reader, there are few important things to consider:

1. sebutan sume, esp hujung perkataan dan baris
2. kesalahan yg dimaafkan dan yg xdimaafkan (mcm xapplicable utk org2 yg bace laju je)
3. hukum2 tajwid yg musti diikut dan xleh dishort-cutkan.

aku bukan ulama' dlm bidang nih, tidak bersekolah di sekolah agama terkemuka, tp ade r blaja sket2 psl qiraat etc mase mude2 dlu. so kepade sape2 yg mahu mengubah pace bacaan mereke, make sure u know all the rules n regulation before immitating other people.

utk info lanjut, silelah hubungi hafiz2 or ahli qiraat
(woi moderator mymissa, nk letak kat website korg leh.. kes2.. haha)

learnt few things in last 3 days:

1. u'll never know what women really want
2. zaman skang pon ade arranged marriage yg pakse2
3. act fast!!! eat panadol rapid...
4. women r sentimental, remember every little thing, even after almost a decade.
5. the true effects of depression/shock/confusion
6. PosMalaysia/warden surat/biro surat menyurat owe me something BIG....
7. i got a lot of frens who r willing to listen to my prob. no offense n not to disrespect, i only shared it with 3 people who had quite similar prob, but not as complex..
8. Eddy sucks in making conclusion n creating khabar angin.. hahaha.. jgn marah..

ini eddy

this is how it resolves... kembali ke bentuk asal...thanks a lot to all...

life.. u'll never know...

sociology... sociology... haih

oohh.. lupe.. its official, AKU XBALIK SUMMER NIH, n likely xbalik sampai GRAD. THOUSAND APOLOGIES kpd member2 yg nk KAWEN cuti kang or ble2 yg aku xleh dtg... YAHUUUUUUU!!!


Anonymous said...

yey sudah kembali ke bentuk lori trelar dan bukan lagi robet resaksa..

ainishamsi said...

huahahaha, mmg2. ingat mende2 lame bukannye sentimental la. tuh name die, daya ingatan yg marvellous!
panadol active fast konon, blah la weih,kate jage stendet.
haih...aku kene pakse komen lagi.

Anak Singa said...

ihsan, awak ok?

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the 'summer'ians club Ihsan, let me introduce the club's president, me.

p/s I'm looking for vice president, would you mind?

Anonymous said...

kesian beliau hisap

Anonymous said...

nak letak artikel tu bole kat website mymissa, tapi kena alter sket bahasa nya.. hehe..

insya allah, ko sungguh2, aku pun sungguh

Anonymous said...

aku mcm paham jer all of those lessons that uve learnt d past 3 days tuh. kehkehkeh. amik la pengajaran daripada apa yg dh berlaku..bagus2 ;P