Saturday, July 15, 2006


merujuk kepade survey yg dijalankan atas penduduk mesia... kite pengotor?? mungkin mcm xfair (n lovely..erk?) r sbb antare kriteria dlm survey tuh membasuh tangan selepas keluar toilet. diorg tatau ke kite dlm toilet tuh ade paip?.. kite basuh dlm buleh ape..uhh... org2 negare len (esp barat etc) toilet mane ade paip2, main calit2 je..sbb tuh r kene basuh tgk lepas keluar tandas... ape la..
n psl kriteria2 lain tuh mungkin buleh diperbaiki...
seblom nih yg kesopanan. rakyat mesia xsopan... mungkin kot... kl berbanding dlu..org2 mesia ske r kot org puteh layan elok2.. tny how r u sume..skang mungkin org kite dh menyampah ngn org2 yg berlagak tuan nih(xsemua.)...kot2 r..aku agak2 apsal la menteri2 nk kecoh2... gelabah r menteri2 pon.. xleh terime kritikan langsung..uhh.. menteri2 pon ade yg mencarut2 ape...uhh

psl isu israel serang2 syria n palestin.. dimanakah org2 sunni? so far yg menentang israel (selain hamas) adelah hizbullah (syiah syria) n iran ( syiah gak)... saudi? UAE? Mesia?(jauh sekali) so xyah la gelabah2 kecam org len tny what's ur action, bz tgk bola je keje etc... sedangkan diri sendrik pon xwat pape selain mengecam org lain n tny ape action diorg... ape yg kite buleh buat selain marah n kecam sana sini... kuasa xdek... jgn cepat sgt label org len ignorant!! actually zionis yg jahat.. so sori kepade jew2 yg membace blog2 terdahulu.. xspecific.. br abes berdiskusi psl jew dgn abg aku... mmg power r die..suspek2... (xmain dh r akum2 bodo nih..)
"With the help of the Almighty
Asaloom Aleikem

We are Neturei Karta International, representatives of the Torah abiding Jews throughout the world who stand true in their Torah observance and stand strong in their opposition to Zionism and the state of “Israel”. "
sheikh bristol sudah grad... congrats2... azad take over r.. kate balak...


Anonymous said...


take over apa?

ihsan_huhu said...

take over kebalakan dan kesheikhan serata uk..

Zacharias said...

haa, pasni bukak banyak cerita pasal yahudi anti zionis. it is highly important for us to distinguish between judaism and zionism. between being a simple jewish and a zionis. one cannot change the race he's born into, but one can always change his political stand and religious belief.

Zacharias said...

saudi: pak turut america. UAE: pak turut america. mesir: pernah cuba lawan, tapi dah sign perjanjian damai mesia:at least kecam kat international platform (lidah) kita:masih bz baca page komen kat makantido.. sampai tak buat apa2. hoho

ihsan_huhu said...

hahaha... dh tuh je termampu.. tny dak lebanon smlm psl bom tuh...
die kate: i dun wanna talk abot this?
aku kate: y?
die kate: it'll pissed me off..
~~ just angry..everybody feels that~~

Anonymous said...

abg zaki kata..."mesia:at least kecam kat international platform (lidah) kita:masih bz baca page komen kat makantido.. sampai tak buat apa2. hoho"

yg nampak jgn disangka hebat
yg tidak nampak jgn disangka tidak berbuat apa2

Anonymous said...

Siut aa Zionis..tapi surprise gak aa pasal semlm baru 1st time nampak paper kat eire ni cite pasal benda ni..selama ni depa xpenah cite pun.

Zacharias said...

betul, jangan sangka benda yang kita tidak nampak, tidak wujud..

contoh: mana malaikat? ada nampak ka?

Anonymous said...
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