berikut adelah summary
iftar2 yg berlaku dalam seminggu
1) bermakan di mesjid city bersame imam khalid
tarikh: 9/10/06
menu: beriyani n lain2
komen: gelap2 pon semangat makan.. apam kecewe xdpt tambah..wahuahuaha
2) bermakan2 bersame MASCA n TV3 kat rosepark
tarikh: 11/10/06
menu: bbq wing n sosej + kuey tiaw
komen: xdek slot solat maghrib maka ramai le yg xsolat maghrib... n xsempat kasik ucapan kat tv3
3) majlis besday muslim kat paradise
tarikh: 12/10/06
menu: nasik n kek
komen: apam makan byk siot.. cover yg smlm nyer..hahaha
4) Iftar ISoc seAdelaide di CE campus, UniSA
tarikh: 13/10/06
menu: nasik ambang a.k.a campo je sume
komen: berterabo gle babas dr aspek makan, tp ok dr segi lain2
5) bukak pose dengan MISSA, The Village
tarikh: 14/10/06
menu: nasik lemak n kuih muih melayu
komen: makan kuih lg bes dr makan nasik lemak.. susa nk jumpe siot..hahaha
6) berbuke kat umah 64
tarikh: 15/10/06
menu: nasik lauk ayam +eskrim+cheesekek+apam balik+donat
komen: kenyang gle...
berikutan kekelam kabutan dan ketidak organizan ISoc nyer iftar, aku dgn selambe memberi feedback yg berbunyi sebegini:
alhamdulillah, the iftaar was a success. the room was full of people and there was enough food for everybody. apart from that, i think that there should be queue for the food. it was a not-so-good situation yesterday, where people r crowding aroung the table to grab some food. if a am a non-muslim, i would see this as "they are a bunch of people, who seems starving, who can't wait a second to eat". this may give bad impression. we can see people queueing at bustops, to buy football tickets, and even queue for the movie tickets, why dont we show them that we also can do it in our ceremonies?
the setback from yesterday, there are few people who ate very few, because of the never-ending crowd around the table. i've been to other iftaar, and it was better as everybody can have their good time to choose the food they wanted. that is a prove that we can do it as well.
THIS IS MY PERSONAL VIEW, and i hope that there will be improvement in any coming occasions. fasting is a way of controlling our lust (any type of lust). if we cant control our lust towards food, maybe we have to review our fast. after all, congratulations to the organiser, really looking forward to have such gathering in the future.
may god forgive us all
ihsan...dan jawapan2 dan
reply2 ade diletakkan di ruangan
ps: gamba2 lain ade di sini dan di side bar spt bese