xkje byk sgt, tp mggu lps mmg busy gle. tiap2 hari lepas balik hospital sure ade bende kne wat. g kje, g visit exs group, g jumpe lecturer yg bajet aku xwat kje.
2. study
busy nk mampos dg subjek2 yg entah pape mcm ethics. bodo nyer subjek.troughout the program, we have 2 ridiculous subjects yg kne amek, sociology & ethics nih, course coordinator die same. i guess these ppl r so not over the white supremacy thing that they feel the need to create such courses. go fuck urselves!
3. bola
minggu nih xdek game sbb cuti easter, so dpt r lepak2 4 hari nih.
arsenal seri dgn barca, baru aku bajet dh xdek harapan lepas kne titik 2-0. tetibe walkote pandai plak score, selame nih die pandai lari je tp xreti buat bende lain pon.
n mng dgn wolves last2 minit mmg kasik rmai org hypertension daa.
4. beskal
wlpn aku xbape puas ati dgn condition die cosmetically (kl ebay mmg aku dh kasik negative feedback dah), tp lepas try2 rs cam ok plak. n beskal ni komfem r aku xkan kasik org pinjam nyer. simpan pon kat dlm umah tuh. harge? ade la sket...
5. lain2
-esok ade test tp sbb aku power aku lek je
-esok nk p kutip jersi kat port road, so ape lg, byr r cpt.
pasal walcott suke lari2 tu mmg aku sokong.
pasal hypertension tu pon aku sangat sokong.
aku tgu beskal sebiji, tp x smpai2 pun.
to disagree means carik pasal hahaha
tggu r sampai kiamat
basikal tu nanti jangan terlupa bawak balik pulak
San, nti jgn lupe ajak son of Amri men bola tiap2 ptg okay~ ahaks!
hoho power2. camne test?
komfem je ko anak laki.
test ok!!
=) sama cam dulu~ tak berubah..
ok. aku komen.. tanda aku xbz. hehe
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