1. the Fucks of the week.
- Manuel Almunia: ape carut la last minit boleh fumble cam hape.
- Earth Hour: no more than a yearly cheap antics. no im not a climate change sceptic but i think the earth hour is just another feel good factor, bak kate seorg member kat fb "kalau kat akhirat tuhan tny ape ko buat utk save bumi, ko boleh ckp at least aku tutup lampu sejam mase earth hour" ini mcm ckp "aku tiap2 taun p berarak dlm panas time maulidur rasul, so aku xkan la masuk nerake kot" or "setaun sekali aku bayar zakat, kre aku nih org yg pemurah la". the point is, we don't need these 'at least' statement, we need things which r more sustainable n practical. smlm aku dok dlm gelap sejam (menghormati kehendak tuan rumah yg aku lepak smlm) n i was wondering, WTF am i doing sitting in the dark, xproductive langsung n merosakkan mata. kl yg extra bahalul, tutup lampu pasang lilin. nk buat something pkai la otak bukan ikut2 orang.
if u r really serious with saving the world, u shud recyle, use public transport, active transport (walk, cycle etc), switch off unused electrical appliances etc.
ps: arinih ade lumbe F1 pe kat Albert Park Melbourne, that is pretty much earth hour shoved up ur asses. another feel good factor maybe?
- next week: xpasal2 aku start acute care placement next week, kl ikut plan yg die kasik, start 27/04. adoi pening pale byk nk kne cover + projek tgh hot + Ethics + Kje + Beskal + jersi menjersi. timing mmg foul abes.
2. week 2 superleague
this week, home game against Adelaide City, as well as the 1st match having Lloyd Owusu as the assistant coach for the senior team.
the results:
(foxes vs city)
U-19: 1-0
Res: 2-0
Sen: 1-2
after the u-19 match, the father of the scorer shaked my hand and said " so u r the strapper guy, u're the one who make the difference!" i was.. "err... i guess so". i just dont know how to answer that. yeah i did strapped his son's ankle (a CB). it wasn't a big deal for me, but it did matter in the eyes of others.
3. lain2:
- jersi akan siap utk dikutip jumaat nih, meh la dtg umah kutip.
- beskal akan sampai dlm mggu depan. xsure r ade mase ke x nk pasang. (sure la ade mase nyer)
- i dont get the autumn uni break due to hospital rotation. so xg melben utk melben cup
sekian. mcm byk nk kne revise.
bape byk beskal ko..
bak satu leh bawa men ptg2 :D
Patutnya semua duduk dalam gua. baru selamat bumi
beskal aku ade 2 je r, eh 3. 2.5 kot. aku kasik beskal yg koman2 je la kat ko utk main ptg2
selamat n apa pon xjadi
siot ihsan.... hahhaha.
ckp kemain lagi. ko lawan munir sape mng? MUNIR kan?? heh!
Ngan munir pon kau kecut? Ehh..lupa plak kaukan fragile.
Melben cup. Jgn risau. Aku rasa tak menang nyer! Last year nasib je. muahahaha.
Earth hour:betul. dan bersyukurla kau tidak di sodom di dalm gelap di rumah budak2 raba..ehh silap rugby tu.
btol pe. kre ok r aku ikut perintah ko
tgk r lawan pe, kl lawan sape lg lame leh dok depan komputer stalk awek kat fb mmg r munir yg mng
munir disodom oleh matsaleh kat vic sq. aku lepak umah die tdo
ngehehehe...ko dah ckp tu....
bile nak bagi
koman pun koman la...
off lampu
pastu ekon menderu-deru
bertambah la bodoh
nnt2 r ble2 aku nk kasik
" so u r the strapper guy, u're the one who make the difference!"
and the man came short of saying
"do you want to be my son in law?"
saving is caring
pe kaitannyew?
sayangi bumi leh unjuk dgn byk cara =)
no thanks im not gay
apekebende byk sgt gap. ko nyer little finger tuh ade twitch ke ape sp enter byk2 kali?
hahaha~! aku fenin mula2..830 mlm nak ikot jam negara mn?muahaha~! rupanya 830 mlm di negara masing2. kehkehkeh~!
tapikan napa xbuat serentak ja 1 dunia?biar bumi gelap kejap for 1 hour je.
sbb kl sume negare serentak sure la tpt paling succesful in term of tutup lampu kat negare2 yg tgh siang
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