Wednesday, March 28, 2007

أهلا بنا

سلام الله عليكم ورحمته وبركاته ,

قال رسول الله صلّى الله عليه وسلم ,

((ليس منّا من لم يتغنّم بالقرءان)) ,

رواه ابن ماجه

هيّا معنا بالتوشيح بالغناء نهوند ,

أهلا بنا بتاق البلاد ومرحبا ,

جدّته العبد الّذي قد أخلق ,

لا تيأسوا أن تجتاني ذو مجدكم ,

فلو بمول بالهوى ثمّ ارتضى ,

مدد له الأمل في أخلاقها ,

خيط الرجاء للعلى فتزلّق ,

فتجدّه ذي المجد كلّ عظيمة ,

إنّي رأيت المجد صعب المرتقى ,

والأن هيّا معنا بالتوشيح بالغناء النهوند و حجّاز ,

أهلا بنا بتاق البلاد ومرحبا ,

جدّته العبد الّذي قد أخلق ,

لا تيأسوا أن تجتاني ذو مجدكم ,

فلو بمول بالهوى ثمّ ارتضى ,

يا رسول الله , يا حبيب الله ,

يا رسول الله , يا حبيب الله ,

يا رسول الله , يا حبيب الله ,

يا رسول الله , يا حبيب الله ,

شماءلهم عن نسي بالصباع ,

بألقس منها وزهر الرباع ,

شماءلهم عن نسي بالصباع ,

بألقس منها وزهر الرباع ,

كذاه المحال دمرّ الصباع ,

وعن ظهب عار كل المجاء ,

يا رسول الله , يا حبيب الله ,

يا رسول الله , يا حبيب الله ,

يا رسول الله , يا حبيب الله ,

يا رسول الله , يا حبيب الله ,

weih apei, if u cun n terel u nyanyi la dis song.. hoho.. amacam azad.. kerek x aku?
tq kepade my old scool mate, salman abdul rahman, currently studying near the Firaun's Tomb. walaupon ade termiss satu rangkap x silap aku.. bedal je r...
(lagu ade kat playlist kat sidebar spt bese.. tq2)

Sunday, March 25, 2007

lazy weekends

too lazy to do anything.. apart from watching tv, play football n chatting..
so i decided to watch some movies at bear's place... 1st movie, i fall asleep in the middle of it. then i came accross one malay movie "tentang bulan"

the intro and starting part of the movie was fun enough to watch, but when it arrives to its main storyline, it becomes a typical malay movie... this movie is kind of carbon copy to a thai movie "Fan Chan (My Girl)". for those who had watched the thai's version, the mood of watching killed instantly. (surely the Jeab-NoiNa one is better)

come on malay movie producers, cant u all just come up with ur own, original idea? dont think that u can make big bucks by adapting other peoples storyline into yours.dont fool people to pay for such shit.(yet still they gain a lot from movies produce, fucking annoying, thanks to all the pirated stuffs) evethough i really hate sepet n all the amani's, at least nobody can argue the originality (or is there?)

afdlin is still the best when it comes to malaysia's movie production field.

ps: got some readings n assignments to be done.. malas gile... aaaaaa

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

a visit to ILC

terimakasih kepade pelumba2 kuda, penduduk australia selatan dapat bercuti dihari isnin. so plan hari selase adelah membayar yuran persekolahan (due 16/3). so pg2 berlecturan selame 3 jam, lalu bergegas2 spt unggas berjalan menghala ke arah bank yg berlambang W merah. namun, kelibat org ramai didepan Adelaide Uni telah mengumpan aku, lebih2 lg apabila mendapati byk barang2 free diberi sesuka hati. apakan daya, tiada yg lebih bes dr barang2 free.. terpakselah membuang sedikit masa utk mendapatkan bekalan alat tulis utk setahun.
setelah mendapat yoyo, keychain, pen, mentos, chuppachup, aku pon bergegas2 lg, namun kali ini lebih laju dr unggas atau mawas, namun setelah terpedaya dengan teknik pembontotan sirul dan pokcek, aku terpesong ke dlm rundle mall, dan tersangkut pula di kawasan org membuat mejik (side effek Fringe 07)
memandangkan masa semakin suntuk, aku terpakse menangguhkan proses perbankan kepade hari esok. lalu mengambil bas J2 utk balik dan menukar pakaian utk p ke ILC. didalam bas ade encik yang mengecheck tiket bas, ade mamat di blakang terkantoi.. wahuahuaha
sampai di Paradise interchange, sudah pkl 1.20, berlari2 anak bersama Masahito (grupmet aku, pemenang Judo Unigames arituh), lalu berkerete nizamlah kami ke ILC tersebut. walaupon lambat 3 menet, xdek r rase trok sgt sbb ade org len yg lagi lambat..wahuahuahua...
ektiviti di ILC adelah bermain Hoist2 yg pelbagai, terase gembire menjadik org kurg upaye.. hoho.. ektiviti lain adelah menghabiskan susu yg disediakan.

satu spesis hoist iaitu standing hoist

sekian dahulu acara kali ini.. majulah ILC utk negare...

ps: aku dh tulis separuh dlm english, tp xbes so aku tulis dlm bahase melayu lak...huh.. dan aku juga sudah kekurangan rambut kembali...

Thursday, March 08, 2007

gunners gone...

definitely not a good day to talk about...
early morning... ARSENAL KALAH .. yer.. KALAH ... dok sebok main pas2 dlm penalty box, sp lupe lak nk shoot.. huh

Here’s some facts that come to mind: (pow from

  • We simply don’t shoot and all the criticism we get for playing “beautiful football” over “practical football” is often justified.
  • Julio Baptista should not be brought back, he doesn’t know how to use his power and lacks finesse.
  • Arsene Wenger made a mistake in not playing Henry in the first half, if the man is healthy, there’s no reason whey he can’t play the first half but play the second. Just don’t play him at all if he’s not ready. Kill off the anticipation.
  • Emmanuel Adebayor is good but he should’ve put the Gunners up 2-0, his finish on the breakaway was extremely poor.
  • The defensive substation of Diaby for Ljunberg didn’t work out.
  • Injuries kept us from advancing the CL but even with the injuries, we had the squad to go past PSV, we just didn’t convert our chances.
then i mistakenly took 506 bus which then stuck in early morning traffic (rundle road closed due to clipsal 500 last weekend, have to use other road). luckily i only late 5-10 mins for anat lecture... after a one-mile-early-morning-run. it seems like all the brain stuff in the lecture didnt really went into my brain at all.

afternoon : PBL... (well.. u know...)

the only good about today is.. APAM's Birthday... (not really important unless u r gay)

cubaan membuat muka jambu

ps: diharap apam akan terus sihat.. hoho