1. Bersih 2.0 Adelaide
Venue: Victoria Square Water Fountain
Date : 9th of July, 2011
Time : 2pm (Adelaide Time)
Colour of wear : Yellow (Casual)
Things to being : Your self and self made paperboard/cardboard support messages!!
Main Agenda : To raise awareness about the demands of Bersih Rally.
-Clean the electoral roll
-Reform postal vote
-Use indelible ink
-Free & fair access to media
-Minimum 21 days campaign period
-Strengthen public institutions
-Stop corruption
-Stop dirty politics
Taking a group photo of young Malaysians in Adelaide.
After Gathering : If the number of people who attended is massive, we would try to organize a place for all of us to hang out, share our thoughts and just chill out with some drinks.
komfem la aku x pergi punya kan! aku kan sayang Abg Najib dan geng2 beliau. yang kat mesia tuh xyah la p join, nanti kne asid kang cair pulak foundation you all. lagipon tok2 silat tok katak tok totok dah ready nk bersilat kat tgh2 KL tuh. nih bukan musim kenduri kawen la weh!
2. Tiger Air
please ah jgn extend ko nyer suspension period tuh, kang xbalik aku kang kesian plak awek2 yg tunggu kat airport tuh, kang ade yang pasang khemah kahwin tgh2 terminal kang sape yang susah. makcik2 bazar ramadhan pon komfem sedih punye la weh.
sekian. xdek ape pon nk cerita walaupon dh 2 minggu x update.