"We're sorry. While Flickr is moving your photos, you're not allowed to access your account. Flickr will send you an email when they're finished with the move."
yahoo photos is closing this october, (18th i think). so now bz transfering photos to other site (60+ folder..@##%$^%^%$%).
1. flickr: only 200 featuring pics, nk lebih kene bayar ($2 sebulan pon bekire ke?).
2. multiply: ada option import from yahoo photos, tp unreliable, guarantee hilang 50% of ur pics.
3. photopages n most photo hosting sites: bodo sbb kena upload satu2..
so, skang tgh test satu lg page, so far xdek problem. if successful akan dianounce di masa akan datang.
AMARAN: video org mati, jgn klik kl takut
(penggune musangapi sile rightklik kat ruang kosong atas tulisan merah nih, pastuh klik play)
(penggune musangapi sile rightklik kat ruang kosong atas tulisan merah nih, pastuh klik play)
ps: minggu pertama sekolah yg rilek, 3 kelas sahaja. terenroll as accountancy student agaknye.. owh, hepi besday en Master
ihsan aku curious bangat kat video tu but takut giler nk tengok...wats dat actuallly?
video exucution by hanging kepade 3 org in iran. a bit different from the 'normal' hanging.
jgn tgk la kl cuak.. tp xseram sgt la compared to other vids i've seen b4.
eih...try la gune photo bucket...
it's something like yahoo photo, multiply and others...
sudah try arituh.. sama saja kebuduhan page itu dgn page2 yg lain
flickr premium saja
setel semua
da try imeem?
kejam siot, Encik Taliban...
gune la Picasa2 from google. mantap gak. bleh upload byk2 sekali.bleh buat slideshow siap spt di blog saya.jika ingin mencuba bleh je.
picasa pon aku dh try b4 dis.. mcm bermasalah gk
gunalah embedded flash karena tidak memakan bandwidth.. yeah right
cis terbuat anon
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