a big shoutout to Asma' Afifi my older sister. happy 30th gahahaha. to celebrate her birthday, go to her page here or here, buy some stuffs and make everybody happy!
600g of caramel mudcake n 1.kg of carrot cake went down in less than 3 days. i think i need to stop somewhere but ca't figure out the why factor yet.
2. gerhana bulan
i missed that one, i cant be bothered transforming into a kingkong and destroys everything within my suburb. kalau tgk dgn awek cun ke mungkin boleh dipertimbangkan.
3. lain2
ade awek baru kiut siot. pnt2 aku wat2 frenli sembang sampai sejam, sekali dh ade balak daa. xpe ah layan je r. cute n funny is a killer combination. ugly and funny is never funny enuff gahahaha. yup i'm half-joking.
gle ah camne r mak aku ajar dlu2, by tahap 2 tuh aku dh nk abes hafal 1 juz 30 dh. mak aku bukan housewife or ustazah pedidikan islam pon. tp abg n akak aku lagi power, adik2 aku lagi hampeh dr aku gahahaha. dh besar nih plak malas2.