Sunday, March 28, 2010

Almunia to Real Madrid for $68M

1. the Fucks of the week.

- Manuel Almunia: ape carut la last minit boleh fumble cam hape.

- Earth Hour: no more than a yearly cheap antics. no im not a climate change sceptic but i think the earth hour is just another feel good factor, bak kate seorg member kat fb "kalau kat akhirat tuhan tny ape ko buat utk save bumi, ko boleh ckp at least aku tutup lampu sejam mase earth hour" ini mcm ckp "aku tiap2 taun p berarak dlm panas time maulidur rasul, so aku xkan la masuk nerake kot" or "setaun sekali aku bayar zakat, kre aku nih org yg pemurah la". the point is, we don't need these 'at least' statement, we need things which r more sustainable n practical. smlm aku dok dlm gelap sejam (menghormati kehendak tuan rumah yg aku lepak smlm) n i was wondering, WTF am i doing sitting in the dark, xproductive langsung n merosakkan mata. kl yg extra bahalul, tutup lampu pasang lilin. nk buat something pkai la otak bukan ikut2 orang.
if u r really serious with saving the world, u shud recyle, use public transport, active transport (walk, cycle etc), switch off unused electrical appliances etc.

ps: arinih ade lumbe F1 pe kat Albert Park Melbourne, that is pretty much earth hour shoved up ur asses. another feel good factor maybe?

- next week: xpasal2 aku start acute care placement next week, kl ikut plan yg die kasik, start 27/04. adoi pening pale byk nk kne cover + projek tgh hot + Ethics + Kje + Beskal + jersi menjersi. timing mmg foul abes.

2. week 2 superleague

this week, home game against Adelaide City, as well as the 1st match having Lloyd Owusu as the assistant coach for the senior team.

the results:
(foxes vs city)

U-19: 1-0
Res: 2-0
Sen: 1-2

after the u-19 match, the father of the scorer shaked my hand and said " so u r the strapper guy, u're the one who make the difference!" i was.. "err... i guess so". i just dont know how to answer that. yeah i did strapped his son's ankle (a CB). it wasn't a big deal for me, but it did matter in the eyes of others.

3. lain2:

- jersi akan siap utk dikutip jumaat nih, meh la dtg umah kutip.
- beskal akan sampai dlm mggu depan. xsure r ade mase ke x nk pasang. (sure la ade mase nyer)
- i dont get the autumn uni break due to hospital rotation. so xg melben utk melben cup

sekian. mcm byk nk kne revise.

Monday, March 22, 2010

what a liverpool morning it was...

1. kje

mggu lps mintak sick leave 2 kali, so xbyk kerje, kne tggu ujung bulan kot br r duit sickleave masuk. xkesa r aku bkn desperate pon.

bz dok setelkan jersi menjersi budak2 nih, esok akan kol n order, so far total $1323, so kasik can la kl ade budak2 yg berubah hati dan fikiran.

2. study

jumaat lps submit 2 assignment. senang2 je tp mls nk wat. tp siap 2-3 hari awal gk utk di proffreadkan oleh org2 yg power sket. kl xbuat rugi, sbb kat uni nih kl write-up power senang2 je dpt highmarks, esp subjek2 yg subjektif mcm ethics nih. mmg bodo abes.

3. rugby 7

dpt tiket free so g la. agak bosan sebnanye 1st day die, crowd mcm kurg happening, or x happening langsung. tgk ashes dlu 8kali gande bes r.

nasib baik ade budak gemok ball picker boleh dijadikkan hiburan post-conversion.

4. bola week1

season bola dh start, this season nampak gayenye aku kne jadik main physio sbb mamat taun lepas dh cabut. so assistant aku is the goalkeeper coach, a therapeutical masseur. at the age of 14, he went to Greece to play there, n then played in some other countries in Europe as well. surprisingly, he decided to retire in 2008, at the age of 20+. that is quite young for a goalkeeper.

so the 1st game was the home game against the Cobras, the other newly promoted club. the results were good despite some incidents on the field and n the change room. a good but not so perfect start for the Foxes.

so the results are:
(Foxes Vs Cobras)

U19: 5-0
Res: 4-3
Sen: 3-2

apparently Liverpool is the new word for disappointing. and no, i didn't watch the game, i watch live IPL 20/20 instead.

5. Mt Barker

esok je la aku p, kl g arinih, supervisor xdek, so xdpt la tunjuk batang idung kat die. kang die bising lak jarang dtg hospital kat ceruk rantau alam tuh.


beskal sudah berjaye dijual kepade celebriti terkenal adelaide en Imran Ramli. klil la sini utk jadik fan die.

hmm.. mane aku nk cekau beskal nih. hmm... hmm... beskal mamat queensland nih cun tp die xreply lak enquiry aku dem r.

selamat hari isnin.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

on sick leave...

aku tau arinih still ahad, belum isnin. tp memandangkan aku bosan dan aku rs esok adelah hari sakit dan malas, aku update je la dlu.mcm xjadik je nk g mt barker esok.

oh xdek update, kl ade pon mls nk tulis. tggu cite2 bes mak, akak n abg ipar aku yg baru blk from hongkong.

kl korg bosan, usha r nih, aktiviti aku mggu lps.

sekian. c u next week.

Monday, March 08, 2010

Melacur di tempat kerja

1. housemate

akhirnye, aku dapat housemate baru name Malik, budak pakistan doing SAIBT. so far ok je tp problem nyer die xreti masak. rice kooker pon xtau apebende. aiseh. pandai2 r ko masak esok wahahaha.

2. stuffs

sudah spend >$1K on new stuffs within a week. so whatever i told u previously abt having an expensive hobby, just forget abt it ok. i'll put up the pic later, or whenever i feel like it.

spttny sampai kamis lepas tp xsampai2 ag. haih.

3. kerja

oh, sori la tersilap eje atas tuh, saje nk kasik sensasi + tambah hit blog aku kat google nnt.

4. Adelaide Cup holiday

bosan. bosan nk mampos. ujan n bes tdo.

5. Bola

pagi sabtu main bola ngn team UniBlacks... pagi2 lg abg fit dh amik aku kat umah. fitness mmg cam taik n rase mcm dh xdek competitive spirit dh aku nih. lgpn kne save energy utk g kje ptg tuh.

so ptg tuh Foxes vs Blue Eagles, kalah 3-0. cun la mggu dpn aku xyah dtg match seniors, aku kje pagi je sbb u-19 masuk semi utk pre-season cup nih. diorg mng 2-0.

6. tajuk post lepas.

tuh sebnanye odometer beskal aku. aku baru rajin nk pkai, baru ganti bateri. so minggu nih short ~40km r plak (154.3-265.0 ). haih ape nk jadik dak2 zmn skang malas eksesais. ala ujan kasik can r dok umah lepak2.

7. lain2

spontaneous broadway mmg bes la. lawak mcm haram. rugi r ko dtg lambat arituh. tp lg rugila awek2 cun yg jual mahal xnk ikut aku p tgk show nih. next free tickets: rugby7

sekian. ptg nih aku mcm rajin nk masak.

Monday, March 01, 2010

0 - 154.3

1. Kje

smlm amik sick leave memandangkan tekanan yg bermacam2 sejak kebelakangan ni, n jumaat sabtu kje manjang so kasik free sket ahad utk siapkan draft proposal so dat buleh present kat supervisor rabu nih kat mt barker. Hours pon dh kembali normal mcm dlu, so spttnye xbz mane pon skang nih.

i mean xbz kje r.

2. Study
mlm td tdo kat uni, dem xpasal2 plak smlm sejuk n arinih pon sejuk sket. xpuas ati btol. xpe, janji aku wat kje aku n kasik npk mcm aku bekerje keras sket. padehal dok kat komp pool tuh bkn wat kje sgt pon.

n rabu nih akan ke mt barker for the 2nd time utk projek. kl sume ok, leh r start g berdating dgn consultant2 etc.

oh interview ngn dating xsame ke?

3. Bola
Gle hape Aaron Ramsey kne tekel n patah kaki. aku tgk match tuh pon dh agak kaki die patah sbb tgk reaction players, esp Fabregas. muke die same mcm mase Eduardo patah kaki dlu. Arseblog posted an article which i think best reflects the situation. a lot of pregnancy happened without intention, but u still have to take the responsiblity.

smlm start main bola balik dgn abg fit. mmg berbaloi aku berpure2 sakit smlm.

4. Makan2
smlm ade makan2 sempena menyambut budak2 baru. ala sempena ape kesah ape aku, janji ade makan.

5. Fringe part 1

best r plak stand up comedy arituh, MC die tom gleeson mmg bes r. 3 org comedian tuh mmg bes2 n sorg lg tuh mcm lemau je. kesian gle org xgelak hahahaha.

unfortunately, experience yg bes nih dikongsi dgn seorg jantan bername usen. kl la yg ikut aku tuh awek sure la lg bes, dh la tetibe lak sejuk mlm tuh. rugi2.

so kl anda rasa anda cun, hot, menarik, kelakar etc, silelah kontek aku utk mendapatkan tiket fringe esok. kl jantan xpayah sbb dh ade org book.

My Name Is Usen Khan

ps1: kl r ainishamsi g standup comedy, aku rs die diam je dr awal sampai abes sbb xpaham lawak, or 3 mggu lps tuh br die gelak golek2.

ps2: gamba2 lain ade kat sini.

ps3: p bli r kat kedai!

6. Housemates

still tgh mencarik. dh letak ad kat surau2 uni. kl xdek gk aku letak ad kat local pub or adult shop.

when ppl stop asking for ur help, u know it's either it's pointless to do so or they just don't trust u anymore.


ps lg: sape2 nk teke apsal tajuk post nih camtuh, silelah. kl betul p la kedai bli r hadiah utk diri sendrik.